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Skylines 0.0.8
Rainbow Gulf Solutions
Skylines is being led by two Call Center Professionals withcombined experience of over 17 years, and working with some of theworld's leading Call Center organizations. Our presence in UK, US,Canada, Pakistan and in UAE makes it global organization and givesus the capability, flexibility and opportunity to provide theOutsource Call Center facility in most of countries around theworld through any of our offices. There will be few more additionsin the family of Skylines in near future and Skylines will soonerstart their operation in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Australia. The‘mechanism’ behind our success has been our commitment throughout,to establish long term partnerships with our affiliates. We knowthat “it’s easy to sell to customers but difficult to sustain one”.Innovative service and superior reliability are few of the manyattributes that we hold as a company. The major portion of thebusiness comes as repeat orders from existing customers or from thelong term customer, whom we serve for long. This highlights thelevel of customer satisfaction achieved by us. Skylines team isboth - dedicated and highly trained. Having strong sense ofcommitment to ensure the success of our company through providingthe best services to our customers. Everyone at the company has theresponsibility and authority to do whatever it takes to make everyproject a success. Skylines aim is to be the best and most reliableCall Center Services Provider and to offer an entire range ofquality services and solutions to our valued customers and toprovide 'the right product' at 'the right time' at 'the rightplace' at 'the right price'. With the co-operation of our Employeesand Partners, we will lead and excel in providing Customers withInnovative and Reliable Services and Solutions. In 2005, Skylineslaunched a unique call center outsourcing model which wasenthusiastically received by clients. After 5 years as a callcenter referral and consultation service, we have grown withthousands of clients in our network, and we continue to lead theindustry.
Rotary District Directory 0.1
Rainbow Gulf Solutions
At the time of independence, there were only3Rotary Clubs in Pakistan – Lahore (7 Dee. 1927), Karachi (11May1933) and Hyderabad ( 5 March 1939). Today the Rotary ClubofKarachi (with a membership of 130 – highest in Pakistan) is oneofthe 85 clubs in RI District 3271 which covers the provincesofSindh and Baluchistan in Pakistan.The setting up of the Rotary Club of Karachi was the outcome ofthevision and initiative of its service-minded charter membersamongstwhom figured personalities like Hatim A. Alavi, Hatim B.Tyabji andJamshed Nusserwanji. And when in 1947 at independence,the Clubboat was being rocked with the migration of a good numberof itsmembers, the storm was weathered by the foresight and hardwork ofRotarians like Dinshaw B. Avari, Hakim M. Ahson, Dr.SohrabAnklesaria, Yussuff Chinoy and Ahmed E. H. Jaffer.From its very commencement, the Club started taking anactiveinterest in the civic life of Karachi and also devotedconsiderableattention to the international aspect of Rotaryservice. Theprincipal activities-cum-achievements of the Clubduring the 70years of its existence, new State of Pakistan (August1947) aresummarized below:Old Completed Projects1958 a cottage at the Ojha TB sanatorium1962 a clinic in Gizri Bagh Colony (now defunct)1981 a school hall at APWA Artisans’ Colony, Drigh Road1987-88 Sewing machines for Afghan Refugees – 375 Singersewingmachines at a cost of Rs.535,000 thanks to asubstantialcontribution of the Rotary Club ofLudwigshafenRheinschanze(Germany) and The Rotary Foundation. ThisProject was declared asone of the 50 best World Community ServiceProjects of1987-881989-1996 Mass Miniature Radiography (MMR) Project. AMercedes-Benzvan fitted with sophisticated x-ray equipment (for TBdetection),costing over 4 million rupees, for screening Afghanrefugeessuspected of TB. This Project was made possible by verygenerouscontributions of the Rotary Club ofLudwigshafen-Rheinschanze, RIDistrict 186 (Germany), the GermanGovernment and the RotaryFoundation. Over 21,000 Afghan refugeesand “contact” persons werescreened.1991-92 Hospital equipment (worth over Rs. 3 million) receivedfromthe Rotary Club of Nedlands (West Australia) was donated totheCivil Hospital and the Ojha TB Sanatorium.
RGS 1.0.1
Rainbow Gulf Solutions
RGS has been providing IT Technical solution tobusinessorganizations. We take pride in working to understand. RGSProvideefficient and complete infrastructure solution for thecompanies,who concern their threat protection and people safety,needed astrong business oriented philosophy, providing protection,safetyand security solutions to our customer and gained thereputation inthe region by offering high quality products andservices. Thedriving force behind our success has been ourcommitment toestablish long term partnership with our customers. Weknow that"its easy to sell to customer but difficult to sustanthem".Innovation service and superior reliability are few of themanyattributes that we hold as a company. We are a full serviceagencythat deliver compelling digital marketing solution. Ourwinningsolutions and experience helps to deliver great resultsacrossseveral key areas; search engine optimization, socialmediamarketing, email marketing and digital marketing. Thiscombinationhas helped many of our clients to interact and engagewith theircustomers the new better way. Our team of specialistsconsistentlydeliver outstanding results for our clients. As fullservicedigital marketing agency we combine creative ideas withvastexperience in search technologies to deliver measurable resultsforour clients. We will help you to build a sustainable,meaningfulrelationship with your clients by engaging them with yourbrandusing social media promotion. What we offer ? RGS specializesinI.T. Solutions. We committed to offering cutting edge productsandservices that enables clients to deploy a full range ofnetworkingtechnologies. At RGS, we are your single source forguaranteednetworking solutions. We offer the following services.WebsiteDevelopment SMS Broadcasting Whatsapp Broadcasting FaxMarketingMobile Application Development CMS Development CRMDevelopmentEmail Marketing Cinema Advertisements Video & StillShoots